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Calvin Klein, Launch of Kings Cross New Store

This summer Calvin Klein launched there brand new underwear store at Kings Cross St Pancras station. To bring the campaign to life, Calvin Klein employed Megabooth to create a bespoke photo experience in the heart of  London. The Calvin Klein photo booth was covered in existing ways to draw attention and drive customers to the brand new store. Creating a buzz around Calvin Klein via social media, In a interactive and fun way to stop passes by  and enjoy the photo booth as well as getting a free gift with there photo booth photograph. 

WeWorks, Summer Camp Festival 2017

Summer Camp is a festival-esque getaway set within an idyllic country estate in Kent. Originally from America We Works decided to let the brits take over and enjoy the American themed summer camp. Megabooth created a sticker photo booth taxi! to capture the fun and craziness. Taking photo booth picture to a new level by receiving your photo booth photo as a sticker to stick on to the photo booth or even your self. 

Eco Friendly Furniture,

Exhibition Stand @international-confex 2017

Being Eco friendly has in away shot to fame in the last coming years, it is now fashionable to use Eco friendly items in our day to day life.  In this video it is showcasing Eco Event’s range. There range is durable, sustainable and 100% recyclable collection of cardboard ‘friendly furniture’. They use there eco friendly products in the event industry for top brands and companies to promote there own branding via this method. This  inspires people to look at eco friendly and sustainable  options for there events which are ultimately better in time, resources and the save's the planet.

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